Media A Level

In summary, 70% Exam and 30% Practical Media Production.

Component One:

  • Written Exam, 2 hours 15 minutes (35% of final grade)
  • Studying the following industries: Newspapers; Advertising & Marketing; Music Video; Radio; Video Games; Film
  • For each sector set text(s) will be studied with a focus on Media Language, Representation Industry and Audience

Component Two:

  • Written Exam, 2 hours 30 minutes (35% of final grade)
  • Studying the following industries: Television; Magazines and Online Blogs
  • For each sector set text(s) will be studied with a focus on Media Language, Representation Industry and Audience

Component Three:

  • Media Production (30%)
  • Non-exam assessment: internally assessed and externally moderated
  • A different brief is set each year by the exam board in March.  You will need to produce a cross-media production which includes an audio-visual piece (e.g. a music video or opening TV sequence etc) and accompanying print material (e.g. a magazine front cover & article or poster & DVD cover etc).

2 written exams and one coursework assessment.  Both exams will require extended written responses in the form of academic essays.  The media production coursework has to be an individual creative project (although you will work closely in a team to complete your own production)

The media plays a central role in contemporary culture, society and politics. It shapes our perceptions of the world through the representations, ideas and points of view they offer. The media has a real relevance and importance in our lives today, providing us with ways to communicate, with forms of cultural expression and the ability to participate in key aspects of society. The economic importance of the media is also unquestionable. The media industries employ large numbers of people worldwide and generate significant global profit. The globalised nature of the contemporary media, ongoing technological developments and more opportunities to interact with the media suggest their centrality in contemporary life can only increase.

Students need access to the internet and a PC/laptop, they will also need to buy an external hard drive to store all their practical production coursework and the course text books.

See Ms Creeber for more details.