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Inclusion & SEND

Kingsbury High School is a fully inclusive mainstream school where we take great pride in the diversity of our community. We believe that, whatever your backgrounds, you can be successful at our school. Our aim is to develop the skills and strategies to reduce barriers to learning by meeting the needs of all children through embedding adapted pedagogy and ambitious pastoral support.

1AE2B24C0557E944FB1735DB00EE4656We believe in achievement for all children and aim to foster a culture of life-long learning and independent living skills.  To ensure we know how each student is progressing there is a rigorous tracking system. All students regardless of barriers to learning are encouraged to act in the Kingsbury Way at all times.

The Inclusion faculty consists of Special Educational Needs, Total Communication Resource (TCR) and English as an Additional Language (EAL) departments.

The heads of faculty (subjects), inclusion coordinator, a SEND teacher and learning support assistants work in close collaboration with the school’s SENDCo to provide outstanding provision for our pupils who have additional needs or English as an additional language.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 

72276111E5F5F425D7E93675EDCF180EAt Kingsbury High School we promote high standards of quality first teaching. Most qualified teachers are timetabled to support our SEND pupils so that these pupils receive additional high quality first teaching.

In KS3, support for SEND is offered through intensive and purposefully aimed interventions. These range from the accelerated learning group, whereby a dedicated SEN teacher delivers a tailored package of carefully differentiated literacy lessons, to high quality reading groups and the use of a dedicated space for learners to thrive. The overall intent at KS3 is to provide a foundation for SEN learners to adapt to high school learning and begin their secondary education in a caring environment, ensuring that they are able to thrive and succeed in a mainstream setting.

When students reach KS4, we offer additional interventions to support our students, which includes a vocational pathway where students complete an entry level life and living skills qualification. 

SEND students at Kingsbury High School secure placements at a range of post 16 establishments, many attend local colleges selecting courses matched to their interest and ability. Those that remain in the sixth form progress to university.

The SEND department works closely with parents, teaching staff and other stakeholders to ensure SEND pupils are offered a broad and balanced curriculum, which caters for their individual needs. Our aim for all students leaving Kingsbury High School is to be well-rounded individuals who can contribute towards society in a positive way.

Total Communication Resource (TCR)

78DEAE8E9A3896C626D55852098FC98CThe TCR is a Local Authority funded provision, which is the only provision for deaf learners in Brent, based within a mainstream secondary school. The provision ensures effective collaboration with mainstream staff in school as well as external multi-professional support. 

The TCR provision has a capacity of 8 places making effective use of specialist staff. The provision caters for a deaf young person with a permanent hearing loss whose individual needs are identified in an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).

The TCR at Kingsbury High School gives deaf young people an excellent opportunity to develop, learn and succeed through a supportive and inclusive ethos. The provision ensures that attention is given to deaf students’ audiological, communication, social, emotional and academic needs so that progress is achievable.

The TCR at Kingsbury High School
  • is an integral part of Kingsbury High School
  • is based at the Tyler's Lower School site enabling a deaf young person to experience inclusive mainstream practices
  • is a welcoming environment where a deaf young person can feel relaxed, happy and safe
  • recognises that a deaf young person needs role models to develop social skills, have good levels of self-esteem and confidence, and develop a positive self-identity
  • believes that a deaf young person is a valued member of the school community and wider society
  • is a base of flexible and responsive support with specialist staff committed to continuous professional development; utilising tailored resources to meet a deaf young person's needs
  • can give a deaf young person the opportunity to develop new skills, concepts and vocabulary that can be a bridge towards making realistic progress to reach full potential
  • understands that given the appropriate support, a deaf young person can move successfully on to Further Education and/or employment
  • believes that given the appropriate guidance a deaf young person is assured equal value and respect as members of society

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

98F3469E81EFDA2F7D52EBC1ACF1D1C3The EAL department at KHS advocates a vision for all EAL learners to empower them to experience success in all areas of school life and to celebrate their diversity. 

The EAL department is committed to providing high-quality provision for those EAL pupils who have the language barriers to access the curriculum.

In order to provide early  intervention, we work in close collaboration  with the admissions team, heads of faculty and the pastoral team to identify students’ needs in order to provide targeted interventions as well as in-class support for our EAL pupils.  New to English pupils  join the Welcome Programme group to develop their basic English ‘survival’ skills and get familiar with the school’s routines  before being moved into other EAL intervention groups.

Our aim is to ensure that all EAL students

  • become confident and competent users of English
  • achieve their full potential
  • access the school curriculum
  • maintain and use their first home language
  • take part in all school activities and become an active member of the school community 


‘‘We are really proud of our provision to support students who are hearing  impaired. The students work collaboratively with the specialist staff, and they are an important part of our school community.’’  ~ Alex Thomas, Headteacher


If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further please email

Irma Jijieshvili - Head of Inclusion and SENDCo 

Saroj Mistry - SEN Administrator  

Or by phone on 020 8206 3000 extension 234

Please click HERE to view our SEND Report, Policy, Accessibility Plan and TCR Handout.

Please click on the expandable section below to view useful information and upcoming events.

We update this section on a regular basis with information about upcoming events. Please see flyers attached below.

Brent Parent & Carer Forum (BPCF)

Mayday's Training Brief

Building Relationship for Stronger Families 

BeeZee Bodies Families Brent

BeeZee Bodies We're Here Brent

Preparing for Adulthood