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Assessment & Reporting

The purpose of assessment at Kingsbury High School is to ensure...
  • Teachers effectively guide all students with the steps they need to take in order to make excellent progress in their studies.

  • Students understand what they are doing well in the subjects they are studying and the next steps they need to take in order to make excellent progress.

  • Parents are well-informed about their child’s performance across their studies and how they can support their child to make excellent progress.

Progress reporting

We send progress reports to parents twice an academic year. In the autumn term, an attitude to learning report is sent which consists of a student's scores (per subject) for their behaviour, organisation and homework. Additionally, attendance and punctuality statistics are provided. Year group averages of these statistics are also provided so that parents are able to see how their child is doing compared to their peers.

In the spring/summer term, another progress report is sent to parents. In addition to the student's attitude to learning (explained above) scores, their exam results are also provided. Students sit synoptic exams which tests the key knowledge and skills students should be able to demonstrate up to the point of the exam. For students in Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) the result is the percentage achieved in the exam and in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11), this is a GCSE grade. Again, year group averages are provided so that parents are able to see how their child is doing compared to their peers.

There are also Parents' Evenings for each year group. This is an opportunity for parents to meet with each of their child's teachers and discuss strengths and areas for development. There is an additional 'Settling-in Evening' (in the autumn term) for Year 7 parents to meet with their child's form tutor to discuss how their child has settled into secondary school life.

Below you will find a parental guide about student progress reports; the attitude to learning scores used at the school and the assessment policy.

Parents' Progress Report Guide

Attitude to Learning Score Descriptors

Assessment & Feedback Policy


If you have any questions, or require further information, about Kingsbury High School's assessment policy, please contact: Anton McLean, Head of School - anton.mclean@kingsburyhigh.org.uk

Please click on the expandable sections below for information on our Assessment Cycle and Exams & Parents Evenings.


Year 7:

  • 7 November: Year 7 Settling-in Evening
  • 4 June: Year 7 Parents' Evening

Year 8:

  • 7 May: Year 8 Parents' Evening

Year 9:

  • 27 February: Year 9 Parents' Evening

Year 10:

  • 12 March: Year 10 Parents' Evening

Year 11:

  • 17 January: Year 11 Parents' Evening