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Student Leadership

At Kingsbury Sixth Form, we pride ourselves on our Student Leadership Programme. Students go through a rigorous application process to be considered for the Senior Student Leadership Team, in addition to the wider prefect team. All Year 12 students are welcome to apply.

Student leadership w 14The aim of our Leadership Programme is to increase opportunities for students to play an important role in the Sixth Form and across the school. The Student Leadership Team is expected to partake in whole school events, be advocates for student well-being and share their ideas in regular student council meetings. 

Our Student Leadership Team leads on whole-school initiatives, working alongside the Sixth Form and Senior Leadership Team at Kingsbury High School. These whole-school initiatives are designed to inspire positive and long-lasting changes in both the school and wider community. We also encourage our Student Leadership Team to serve as role models to their younger peers, through personal and academic mentoring.

Yr12 wellbeing training 150724 w 18How the team is made up

The Student Leadership team comprises a Head Boy and Head Girl (Senior Prefects) who are supported by Deputies. The Wider Prefect Team is made up of carefully selected students from a range of subjects and courses areas, all with different skill-sets and interests. Their role is to support the Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies, and take part in leading whole-school initiatives. 

Main Responsibilities of the Student Leadership Team

  • To represent Kingsbury High School and Sixth form during open evenings and important events
  • To promote the value of academic and personal achievement, regardless of ability or starting point
  • To promote the importance of determination, ambition and compassion amongst their peers 
  • To facilitate communication between the wider student body and staff, to ensure all voices are heard
  • To be advocates for good well-being and serve as role models to younger students

Yr12 wellbeing training 150724 w 15Well-being Training

Our Student Leadership team and a selection of the wider prefect team complete well-being training in the Summer Term of Year 12.

This training is designed to support our students to become advocates for positive student well-being. Students learn about the importance of wellbeing, how to look after their own wellbeing and the value of sharing positive strategies with their peers. They also act as a bridge between pupils and staff, ensuring that all students feel comfortable enough to ask for help, when needed. Upon completion of the day of training, each student is awarded a ‘Wellbeing Ambassador’ badge which is blue in colour, representing ‘Compassion’ (one of our Sixth Form Principles). The team are also encouraged to signpost support organisations to their peers, which they can independently access through our Health and Well-being Guide.