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Parent/Carer Support

The success of students at Kingsbury Sixth Form depends upon staff and Parents/Carers working together to support our young people. We value the role of parents/carers highly, and aim to work in partnership with them to ensure our students can access all Sixth Form opportunities.

1We share a collective responsibility to enable our young people to thrive and flourish, both academically and personally. Parents/Carers are encouraged to engage with their child’s education by attending Parents Evenings, engaging with termly academic reports and key dates in the Sixth Form Calendar.

Home School Learning Agreement: At the start of Year 12, all students and Parents/Carers are expected to read and sign our Home School Learning Agreement, which outlines the responsibilities of students, parents/carers and the School. It is intended to enable every student to achieve their academic and personal potential within a safe, supportive and positive learning environment. 

KHS Sixth Form Revision Guide

Please use the expandable sections below for more information:
  1. Understand your child’s timetable. Read through your child’s weekly timetable and support them to attend school punctually and regularly at 8:30am every day.
  2. Encourage your child to read through their lesson notes and complete independent work in their study periods. Your child is expected to complete 4-6 hours of Independent Study (at school and at home) in addition to their timetabled lessons, per course/subject.
  3. Create a study timetable with your child. This will help them use their time during study periods in school, and at home, effectively. Your child should focus on a topic within a subject for 55 minutes and then should take a break, before moving on to a topic within a different subject. This ensures breadth and depth of revision. Further guidance can be found here.
  4. Discuss your child’s independent study and revision. Develop a shared understanding of when your child is meant to be working and when they are setting aside time to take a break. During stressful periods of high workload, try to minimise your child’s responsibilities within the home (if possible) with household chores, which may add additional pressure. Download and complete a digital copy of a study timetable and display it in a communal space.
  5. Avoid blanket bans on gadgets. Rather than creating blanket bans on smartphone use, it can be helpful to create a separation between ‘exam preparation/revision’ and ‘independent study.’ When revising for exams, students should be gadget-free and work under timed conditions to apply full concentration. Agree with your child when they can have their gadgets back. For ‘independent study,’ your child may benefit from a laptop or mobile phone to aid their work. 
  6. Build resilience by praising the process of studying, not just the outcome. If your child hasn’t performed as expected in a homework assignment or test, discuss how they prepared for the assessment and what improvements they could make next time. Equally if your child performs well, reinforce their good study habits. Reassure them that you are and will be proud of them, no matter the outcome.
  7. If you are worried about your child’s wellbeing or mental health, speak to your child and listen to their thoughts to better understand their feelings. If you would like further guidance, contact your GP or a member of the Sixth Form Team who can also speak with your child in order to provide appropriate support. We have a Sixth Form wellbeing hub that offers access to a trained therapist, who can provide one-to-one support, group and drop-in sessions. If you believe your child is at risk, contact the Safeguarding Team. 
  8. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep and they are regularly eating and drinking, especially around stressful periods. 16-19 year olds are recommended to have 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Encourage your child to stick to a regular sleep routine.
  9. Time taken out from studying is critical in helping students rejuvenate. This means letting your child commit, for example, to playing a sport a few times a week, seeing friends on weekends and having other hobbies. This is good for their wellbeing, mental health and overall focus. Taking a break after every hour of revision is important, and will lead to a higher productivity and concentration. 
  10. Limit the amount of time spent on part‐time jobs. One day at the weekend is more than enough, any more (for example in the evenings during the week or more than one ‘shift’ a week) can prove to be too much and may prevent your child from being able to dedicate the time needed to their studies. 
  • 2If your child is struggling with a specific subject, talk to the relevant teacher and explore whether they can provide additional help.
  • Speak to your child's teacher(s) to find out what revision techniques they recommend.
  • Ask your child’s Form Tutor or a member of the Sixth Form Team for practical strategies to help manage workload and stress.
  • If your child has additional learning or developmental needs, speak to the school SENCO and establish what specialist provision they can put in place.