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Curriculum Overview

At Kingsbury High School we recognise that our curriculum is vital in preparing our young people for future success. We are very proud of the broad, rigorous curriculum we offer all our students which is full of opportunities and challenge that will enable them to develop the knowledge and skills they will need throughout life.  

Our curriculum is a key part of our UNICEF Rights Respecting status - particularly Articles 28 and 29.

  • Article 28: Every child has the right to an education.
  • Article 29: Education must develop every child's personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Our curriculum is a journey with four stages:

The Transition Stage

At this stage, we focus on helping students to build on their learning from their primary schools as they develop subject specific knowledge and skills. Metacognition is on the curriculum where students reflect on strategies to help them to be effective learners. Students who need further support with their learning are placed in smaller classes for core subjects and follow a differentiated curriculum in order to support them to catch up with their peers by the time they reach Year 8.

The Foundation Stage

The stage consists of Years 8 and 9 as students complete their Key Stage 3 curriculum.  They build on their learning from the Transition Stage and in Year 9 they begin making their choices for the qualifications they will gain in the Examination Stage. Students also begin their Religious Studies GCSE at this stage in Year 9.

The Examination Stage

Students begin this stage in Year 10, when they move to the Upper School at Princes Avenue.  Students are placed on a 'guided pathways' based on their prior attainment.  In addition to the core curriculum, students are able to choose some further subjects that they would like to gain qualifications in. Students gain their first qualification in Year 10 – Religious Studies GCSE – with the remaining qualifications achieved in Year 11.

The Advanced Stage

This is the final part of the Kingsbury Curriculum in the Sixth Form. We offer a wide range of A Level subjects which are linear, two-year courses. The option columns structure enables students to construct an individual programme according to their aims and interests.


If you have any questions, or require further information, about Kingsbury High School's curriculum, please contact: Anton McLean, Head of School - anton.mclean@kingsburyhigh.org.uk.

Please click on the expandable sections below for further information about our Curriculum Models.

Transition Stage Lessons Per Cycle (Fortnightly):
Subject Year 7
English & Literacy 8
Maths 6
Science 4
Geography 3
History 3
Religious Studies 3
French or Spanish 4
Computer Science 4
Physical Education 6
Art 2
Drama 2
Music 2
Technology 2
Metacognition 2
Foundation Stage Lessons Per Cycle (Fortnightly):
Subject Year 8 Year 9
English & Literacy 8 8
Maths 6 7
Science 6 6
Geography 3 3
History 3 3
Religious Studies 3 4
French or German or Spanish 4 4
Computer Science 3 3
Physical Education 6 4
Art 2 2
Drama 2 2
Music 2 2
Technology 2 2
Examination Stage Lessons Per Cycle (Fortnightly):
Subject Year 10 Year 11
English 8 8
Maths 8 8
Science 12 12
Religious Studies 4 -
Physical Education 3 4
Option 1 5 6
Option 2 5 6
Option 3 5 6
Advanced Stage Lessons Per Cycle (Fortnightly):
Route Year 12 Year 13
A Levels 8 10
BTECs 10 10