Hilary Dimond Quiz

Hilary Dimond Quiz
20th Oct 2023

Many KHS staff are long serving and feel very much like family. Hilary Dimond's warmth, knowledge of the school and straightforward approach to everything made her the go to person for many of us. So when she died in 2020 after nearly 20 years of service, we wanted to find an appropriate way to remember her. We decided to host an annual charity quiz, and, now in its third year, has become a Kingsbury tradition. 70 staff and governors joined us, representing nearly all areas of the school and we were delighted that members of Hilary's family could join us too. The overall winners were team MLS - consisting of members of staff from Maths, Languages and Science. As is tradition, the winning team decides where the donated money goes and this year they chose the Red cross to support Libya and Morocco after their recent tragedies. Here you can see the receipt for our £115 donation and some images of the event. We look forward to welcoming even more staff to the quiz next September.