EPQ Presentations

EPQ Presentations
6th Oct 2023

Tuesday 5th September saw our annual EPQ event. Eighteen Year 13 students presented the findings of their extended projects, which were the culmination of a year of independent research, hard work, perseverance and time management. A sample from the many questions that caught people's eye this year include:

  • Should Western sanctions against Iran be removed?
  • Is the abandonment of traditional gender ideology having a negative impact on society?
  • What is the main cause of the downfall of the Sri Lankan economy?

And there were many more! Our EPQ students impressed audiences with their in-depth knowledge and enthusiasm for their chosen subjects. They also 'wowed' visiting Year 8 Scholars Club students, who left inspired to complete their own academic research in the future. Year 13 are now in the final steps for submitting their essays. We wish them all the best with completing their EPQ qualification.